Friday, September 12, 2014

Is a banned poster back?

Months ago a new poster joined the Craphole. Thun Fish is the name they are using. But it really seems like Thun Fish is just WBL under a different name. Same attempts at being funny. Talks the same topics. Since we know some of the Mods read this place,could you check Thun Fish's IP and see if it is in Brazil?

Another poster,that wasn't banned,but who left back in January seems to be back. Just watch closely at who is making lame sex jokes and acting like every woman wants them.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Why does the Craphole posters not understand...

Why do the craphole posters not seem to understand that RD and the Wrestlecrap website are embarrassed by the forum? Why else would the link to them be hidden on the Wrestlecrap website. When stuff like Blade's Jobber of the week,which hasn't been updated in at least a year,has a link out in the open.

Also it seems like one of the biggest reasons why the Craphole turned to shit is back. Sure they are using a different name. But it isn't hard to figure out who they are.

Another thing. Is it just us or does Josh Spicer have the worst taste in everything. Music,tv shows,wrestling,etc.

It is still nice to see that Naim rarely posts anymore. Unlike some other posters he finally seemed to get that very few people at the Craphole wanted him there. Which is something a handful of others posters need to learn.

Sunday, June 29, 2014


Looks like Sean Careless finally did something about the Craphole. He appointed Agent P to Global Mod. That was weeks ago and the place is the same shithole it was before then. Traffic hasn't went up. The same troublemakers are making trouble.

But we did hear through our sources that finally Roger got permabanned. Took them long enough.

Friday, January 17, 2014

The end

We formed up to help prevent the Craphole from dying. But that didn't work. From the owner abandoning it. Then only coming back to beg people to play some online video game with him. To the same troublemakers being banned "For good" then allowed back months later. To all the other bullshit.

When we formed we had rules. The main one was never take this stuff into the real world. Well we never did. But some people have. And for no good reason.

So goodbye for now,maybe forever.

We had a great run.